Excursion destinations in the immediate vicinity
There are various routes to the excursion restaurant, one of which is the fairytale trail, which starts in Hasserode in the Nesseltal valley.
Wildlife park with native animals, petting zoo and a playground.
With snack bar and excursion restaurant
To the Linde farm with a small petting zoo and a stop at Biggi’s Jodlerstübchen.

Himmelspforte (Heaven’s Gate)
Through the Himmelspforte to Darlingerode, Drübeck (stop off at Drübeck Monastery) or to Ilsenburg.
Steinerne Renne
An interesting hike for young and old adventurers along the watercourse of the Renne. A snack is possible there.
Above the castle to the Voigtstieg – with beautiful views of the city.
Ilse valley
You can take longer and shorter tours (to the Plessenburg forest inn) along the wild and romantic Ilse. Plan a stop at the Nagelschmiede restaurant as a highlight!
Feuerland im Blankenburger Heers
An easier hike below the Regenstein to the sandstone caves. You can enjoy a wonderful view from the Regenstein restaurant.
Michaelstein Monastery near Blankenburg
Here you can visit the monastery and its gardens, see the fish farm and stop for a bite to eat with the monastery fisherman.
Devil’s wall near Blankenburg
Fascinating rock formations and a beautiful view of the surrounding villages and countryside
Klusberge near Halberstadt
You can walk up to the castle and visit the animal enclosure.